Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Ecstasy
I didn’t mean to…… HONEST!!! I just couldn’t help myself. 🙁

Everything looks so tummy yummill-lee spectacularly dufferdochiouly bearilishiouly wonderful!
The chocolate peanut butter fudge from Big Top Souvenirs’ Big Top Treats in the Magic Kingdom was just … well… it was just….
NOT enough!
Me and my chocolate peanut butter fudge were so happy together.
The chocolate peanut butter fudge was super happy because he was loved and enjoyed each and every beary bite!
I was super happy because every soft chewy bite was chocolate peanut buttery scrumptiously deliciously better than the next.
Disney is my happy place.
Then when I look at Big Top Treats very beary special ‘Circus Snacks Galore’ case with all the incredible stitched lip smacking made specially for Duffy Bears tummy satisfying dufferlectible treats, well….

Big Top Treats’ Confections Case in Big Top Souvenirs – New Fantasyland Story Book Circus. Photo Disney Food Blog
My eyes get wider and wider and my snout duffertaneously sniffs in each and every sweet sensation!
I go into DufferNutter overdrive even before I get one little bite of my very beary special treat.

Oh, well… this is me before my first bit of my chocolate peanut butter fudge treat. I had good intentions to share! REALLY! Teddy Bear Scouts Honor!
Oh,……….. and even now when I think about getting some chocolate peanut butter fudge, well…..
It’s like I gets under some kinda magical Magic Kingdom Big Top Treats chocolate peanut butter fudge spell!
My better duffer senses just get turned off some how and I forget all about my manners and my Teddy Bear Scouts pledge.
I’m not even sure how we got to Tinker Bell’s Magical Nook.. I looked up out of my chocolate peanut butter fudge bag and there was the beautiful Miss Periwinkle.
Well…. I think I was just…
…Just….. Happily under the magical spell of my chocolate peanut butter fudge the whole time we were headed to visit Miss Periwinkle to even notice anything else around me.
I quickly stuffed the bag underneath my jacket and jumped into Miss Periwinkle’s arms to get our picture taken together.
I don’t know how Miss Periwinkle knew! I licked my face and paws between every single bite not to miss a single morsel of chocolate peanut butter fudge deliciousness.
I’m certain there wasn’t one itty bitty Mickey Mouse sized traces of chocolate peanut butter fudge left on my paws or my snout. Just look,…… Look at the picture….. My paws and snout are totally clean and sticky free! So I can’t imagine why Miss Periwinkle asked if I enjoyed my treat and if there was any left in the bag to share.
I got an extra big Duffy the Disney Bear smile on my face and said, “Of course!” I took the bag out from underneath my jacket, opened it up and …….
There was some left, but it was only one tiny little bite! Not even enough for a five inch Duffy the Disney Bear!

Ut oh…I thought I got all the chocolate peanut butter fudge off my paws and snout…. (Are the fairies psychic?)
Miss Periwinkle was very sweet. She giggled and said, “Oh, my little bear, you didn’t save very much for sharing.”
I just couldn’t stand Miss Periwinkle thinking I was a naughty bear! I really planned to take my chocolate peanut butter fudge home to share with ShellieMay, Little Joe and all my friends…. Really!
I thought quickly…… Maybe too quickly. I blamed it on my friend Ker’Dunkedunk Bear.
He’s always naughty.

See, he even says he’s naughty!
Ker’Dunkedunk doesn’t mean to get into trouble. He’s like me and he just can’t help it when he’s bored.
I’m not fur-duffacertain that Miss Periwinkle believed me.
Yet, she was still very beary disney fairy dust sweet.
She giggled and gave me a big hug.

Whew! Do you think she really believed me?
Plans don’t always work out. That’s why you need to do things a second time or maybe even a third time so you can do better.
Next time, I’ll just have to get two pieces of chocolate peanut butter fudge! Yeppers! That should do it! One for me and one to share! Especially with my friend Ker’Dunkedunk!
Huggies to ALL!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear