Visit with Goofy at EPCOT’s Character Spot!

Taking Litte Joe to meet Goofy at the EPCOT Character Spot in Walt Disney World was really fun!
Goofy is so…. well….. Goofy!
I brought a semi-decent video-recording human with me and got some semi-decent video! (Good video-recording human help isn’t always available.)
Aaaaannnnybear…. Check out the video!
Hummmmm…. this video-recording human actually did much better than I thought! COOL! 🙂
Right from the lickity-splits Goofy saw Little Joe’s Donald Duck Mickey Ears Hat and loved it! He picked up Little Joe in his arms, gave Little Joe a big squeezey hug, and then….
well… then he waved goodbye bye to me and mommy!
It seemed like Goofy really wanted to keep Little Joe! …..and not just for the day!
Yet, Little Joe was just as happy as he could be…..without me and mommy!
But then Goofy came walking back towards me and mommy. I thought he was going to put Little Joe into mommy’s arms, but instead….
Goofy scooped me up and started heading out to well… I don’t know where?
…..and even more crazy strange…. It seemed like mommy was gonna be okie duffer-dokies with Goofy keeping us for the day!
I was duffer-founded!
I’m ever so happy that mommy didn’t forget about our special lunch reservation at Via Napoli in Italy. It’s the reason I’m wearing my Italian Mickey Ears and Special “I’m Italweein Tee-Shirt” today.
She even invited Goofy to our lunch and told Goofy he could get his very beary own super large pizza!
Say What??? .............Mommy just said that she'd order a super large pizza just for Goofy? Best mommy ever ordered for me was the smallest personal pizza!
Just then…. Goofy started getting ready to pose for pictures with me and Little Joe.

I was like…. Wait Goofy! I’m not looking at the camera yet!
Hey Little Joe, sit up… we’re not finished taking pictures.

Oh Geeeze! I look like I’m a Zombie or something in this picture! I think I was still stunned from hearing mommy tell Goofy he could get his own pizza! The super large one!
I should have told Goofy to wait until I was looking at the camera and ready for the picture taker to snap the picture!
Meeting Goofy was super special and I was happy to share the fun with Little Joe and mommy!
Huggies to All!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear