The Simple Life Can Be a Good Life :)
Yep, I really just did say that 'the simple life can be a good life'!
Sure, I really like my crazy adventures and we are really excited about our Disney vacation next week!
But sometimes, we like to just chill and watch a good Disney movie in the evenings. Tonight we watched ‘A Bugs Life’.
Little Joe started out watching with me and ShellieMay.....

….but the little guy crashed mommy put him to bed and let me and ShellieMay finish watching the movie together.

ShellieMay was giggling so much I had to hold her up so she didn't fall back and hit her head!

It was fun to some best friend time in with ShellieMay and share lots and lots of giggles!
A… yep……………..
I like the simple life some days... or nights..... too!
Happy Movie Watching,

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear