Super Moon
I did it! I took a ride on the Perigee “Super Moon“.
I heard that the Super Moon was coming on the tv news. So I looked it up and found this article on the NASA site.

The Super Moon in the picture looked bigger than the house! That’s when I got the idea to travel up to the Super Moon and take a ride in space.
Here’s my Super Moon Adventure!
Wowzers! That was some adventure!

Would any of you like to join me next time I travel to the Super Moon and meet my new Moon friends?
Don't tell ShellieMay, but I did get a tiny weeny bitzy bit scared when I realized I didn't make a plan to get back home and I forgot my iPhone to google how to do it!
But I'm baaaaaack! and ready for my next adventure!

Duffy Bear
A.k.A. Duffy the Disney Bear