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Super Moon

I did it! I took a ride on the Perigee “Super Moon“.

I heard that the Super Moon was coming on the tv news. So I looked it up and found this article on the NASA site.

Duffy the Disney Bear learns about the Perigee Super Moon on the NASA Science News website
Duffy studies the Perigee Super Moon.

The Super Moon in the picture looked bigger than the house! That’s when I got the idea to travel up to the Super Moon and take a ride in space.

Here’s my Super Moon Adventure!

Wowzers! That was some adventure!

Duffy the Disney Bear slignshots himself onto Perigee Super Moon
Look! I’m about to land on the Super Moon!

Would any of you like to join me next time I travel to the Super Moon and meet my new Moon friends?

Don't tell ShellieMay, but I did get a tiny weeny bitzy bit scared when I realized I didn't make a plan to get back home and I forgot my iPhone to google how to do it!

But I'm baaaaaack! and ready for my next adventure!


Duffy Bear

A.k.A. Duffy the Disney Bear


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