Stuffie On-Line Calendar March 2023 - It's Out and It's EARLY!
Yup! Ted announced that the Stuffie On-Line Calendar March 2023 is OUT and it's EARLY!
ShellieMay made the Stuffie On-Line Calendar AGAIN!
She made the cut two months in a row now. Even better, she's two for two. She only started submitting for February 2023 and her photos were selected both times.

What was a little bit shocking or well, maybe just a little bit surprising, is that we got a notice that the Stuffie On-Line Calendar was ready EARLY!
I guess it's not too shocking that ShellieMay would be accepted again. She is very pretty, (Don't tell her I ever said that!) and looks really good in pictures (Don't tell her I said that either!) - the fancy word for looking good in pictures is photogenic. ( <- *proud ears* I learned a fancy word!)
Only.......ShellieMay getting accepted two months in a row got my cranial stuffing fired up.
.......... I'm wondering if she is getting a head for fame and glory?
......... Or perhaps there is some bear that she would like to get his attention?
......... Or maybe she's going for one of those influencer careers?
Either way, we, that is me, Little Joe, mommy and the rest of the family are all super proud and happy for ShellieMay!
Next month's calendar competition is 'beverages'.
You see, each month, Ted has a theme for his calendar.
ShellieMay already choose her picture to submit for April 2023 Stuffie On-Line Calendar, but she won't show me. She said she doesn't want to "jinx it."
Jinx it?
How would showing me her April 2023 Stuffie On-Line Calendar submission jinx it?
I was thinking of entering. But then I'd be competing against ShellieMay. She's always been a very fierce competitor and usually wins anything she enters!
I'm having a bit of difficulty deciding which photo I'm going to enter.
You're only allowed one entry. I'm not a very beary decisive bear. My cranial stuffing scrambles up and fries to easily when there are too many choices. If you're wondering.... chocolate is the quickest way for me to fix myself up again!
Oh - and I'm NOT going to tell ShellieMay that I'm sending in an entry for April 2023!
Humph! I don't need her doing anything to jinx me either!
Besides, if I'm not chosen, I won't have to deal with her teasing me!
Well.... wish me luck!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear