So What it’s Cold Outside, Let’s go to McDonalds!
It’s super cold outside!
The red pointer round thingy with the numbers on it got below 40 degrees!

Burrrrrrrr!!! 38 degrees is the new freezing in Florida!
I bets some of yous guys might thinks I’m a silly bear! Yet, anything below 60 degrees in Florida is like freezing anywhere else!
So I got all bundled up in my parka jacket and my mittens to go to get a tummy yummy breakfast treat at McDonalds!
I just had this mighty powerful craving.
That’s why instead of staying home in the snuggly warm house under a pile of bed covers, I got all dressed and ready to go out. I knew I better be dressed before I gave mommy my special patented Duffy the Disney Bear warm brown eyes look. .....I threw in a few loud tummy growls to seal the deal!
…….And in no time, we were off to McDonalds!
As soon as mommy parked the car, I jumped out and I ran inside. I hopped right up onto the counter before mommy could even get into the store, because now my tummy was growling for reals now!

“Hello? Anybody here?”
I was greeted with a big smile.

“Hi, can I get a McDonalds Sausage Biscuit, please?”
I got my breakfast and ran over to a tall table.

“Thank YOU!”
I got to the table first before mommy. I knew that she would prefer to sit at one of those regular human sized tables. So I had to run fast and get to the tall table before mommy picked one of those other tables.
Mommy was faster putting my mouth watering McDonalds Sausage Biscuit breakfast sammich in front of me before I was able to climb all the way up onto my seat.
Even though it’s takes longer to climb up the seat to sit at the tall table, it’s more fun to sit up really high.
I like to see everything………. It makes me feel bigger too!

Here I come my delicious sammich!
I was ready to just dig right into my McDonalds Sausage Biscuit!!!!!
I was so hungry, I forgot to take off my jacket and mittens before I tried to take a bite of my sammich.
I cried for mommy to hurry up and help me take off my parka and mittens because, it would take me too long to get them off myself. I’m never very patient around food!
Oh, wait, I needed to take a picture for Twitter! Seems like it just wouldn’t be fair for me not to share my breakfast with all my Twitter friends.

"Hell'lo Twitter Furiends! Come and share my tummy yummy McDonalds Sausage Biscuit sammich!
Aaaaahhhhh…. I took a big sniff and one longingly look at my McDonalds Sausage Biscuit and then……..

Oh, Drat!
I was just about to dive in and take one big enormous Duffy the Disney Bear Bite when mommy stopped me and put the napkin on me like a baby bib.

Oh, well, it’s better than taking a bath later!
Oh, well…… I’m kinda use to her doing that now…..
…. And then….
I reached in and snarked down a huge bite of my steamy warm, buttery flavorful, spicy McDonald’s Sausage Biscuit sammich!

“Ahhhhhhh….. totally worth the wait!”
Happy Eating!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear