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ShellieMay made the February 2023 Stuffie On-Line Calendar!

ShellieMay is holding a Valentines Day balloon and is wearing a Red Valentine's Day shirt with the letters L a heart for the letter  O and VE.

Once again my 'across the pond' buddy, TourGuideTed is helping humanity!

Ted's been making a Stuffie Calendar for a few years now.

This year, he decided to go digital!

Ted has a special handle for the Stuffie On-line Calendar on Twitter. @HeroStuffie

Ted has lots of furry and well, non-furry friends, and we all love to share our photos for the calendar. The competition can be tough some months, because there are so many of us submitting photos. I don't know how Ted and the gang decide on who makes the cut and who doesn't.

I'm not so good at getting my photos submitted on time, so ShellieMay decided she start doing it for us! Well..... I would submit photos of me, ShellieMay and Little Joe, but so far in 2023, ShellieMay has only submitted some photos of herself! Humph!


Doesn't matter, I'm still proud of ShellieMay for making the February 2023 Stuffie On-Line Calendar!

February 2023 Stuffie On-Line Calendar with ShellieMay

Once the calendar is ready, Ted lets us all know and then we go to his official website.

click here -> TourGuideTed's Travel Guide to download the calendar.

You gots to use the navigation on the left side of the screen to find the calendar download link.

Screenshot of Ted's site and how to download the calendar.

Oh, I also said that Ted was helping humanity.....

Well.... there's an option on Ted's site to make a donation to one of Ted's charities. You'll see the link to donate to a charity is right under the Twitter link.

Ted also adds a donation links on the twitter post that announces when the calendar is ready. These links may different than on his website.

Congratulations once again to ShellieMay making the February 2023 Stuffie On-line Calendar!

Huggies to EveryBear!

Duffy Bear head salutation

Duffy Bear

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear


Stuffie On-Line Calendar March 2023 - It's Out and It's EARLY!

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