Pizza!!! Papa John’s Pizza Surprise!
It’s a bear-a-U-tee-ful day here in Florida!!! I turned off the air conditioner, opened up the windows and doors, and was just about to settle in to watch some college football with my granddaddy when the doorbell rang.
It was a pizza!!! A Papa John's Pizza Surprise delivery!!…..
….. from the better pizza, better ingredient King of Pizza, Papa John!

Little Joe and I ran to the kitchen lickity zippity dooda splits and we both jumped right up into our chairs. There were wonderful snoutalishiouly enticing aromas sneaking out of the Papa John’s pizza boxes that made us really beary super anxious to open them up!
Wow! Auntie Sandra from Tenny did it again!
She super scrump-dilly-ump-chew-o-liciously surprised me and Little Joe with one of our favorite lunch time treats! A double order of BBQ Wings! You gots it!! A DOUBLE order!!! That’s two times, dubbleOlishishly twice as much stitched lipped smacking, tummy satisfying yumminess!!!!

Little Joe could hardly get out the words, “What’s in the big box Duffy?”, because he was so tummy yummies stimiulated-ly excited.
I was very beary excited too and shouted, “That’s gotsta be our pizza Little Joe!”

“Hey! Duffy, what’s with the little plates?” Little Joe likes it better when mommy gets us the human adult sized plates so he can go for mores. “I know I can eats more wings and pizza Duffy.”
“Never worries about the size of our plates, Little Joe. We can have seconds!”
“Can we have thirds too Duffy?”
“Indubearitibly YES! YES! YES! Little Joe! YES!!!“
— > “Now let’s dig in!” <—

“Buuuuurrrrb!”….. Opppppsss… sorry everybody…..
Little Joe and I both ate three slices of pizza and 6 wings each! We could have eaten more, but mommy and granddaddy need to eat some wings and pizza for lunch today too.
Now come on Texas Tech Red Radiers and beat the Okie DokieHoma Sooners and we’ll be in fluffy stuffy teddy bear heaven for the day!
Huggies to all!

Duffy Bear A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear