My First Valentine’s Day… It Was a Close Call…………
Whew!!!! I just made it before midnight! I got my girlfriend ShellieMay her flowers and candies for Valentine’s Day.
I hopes she shares the candies with me. 🙂 I like Hershey’s Kisses!
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Hey Duffy, Like my new dress??????
Yea, ShellieMay. Looks really good. Whatcha got it on for????
Today is Valentine’s Day Duffy.
Huh?? Valentine’s Day??? …..
Ut oh…………….
Excuse me ShellieMay, I’ll be right back.
Googling Valentines’ Day…………….
What is this?- looks like they got a neat video up here. Let me check it out.
I always get distracted, but I can’t help it. Let’s see….. rendering, rendering…..
(Music plays…)
Flowers? Candy?
Wikipedia – Valentine’s Day……. Wikipedia always got the answers………
Romantic Love!!
What’s am I gonna do……………..??? She’s got her sparkly shoes on , Allright, breath, don’t hyper ventilate
Ok, ok, ok, ok, I got to sneak out –
— I got to sneak out and get ShellieMay some flowers and chocolates.
Seriously, If I don’t gets her some flowers and chocolates, I’ll never hear the end of it!!!
Oh, Duffy! You knew about Valentine’s Day all along.
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming…….
Thank you Google,….
……….Thank you Wikipedia……. and Thank you Wally World (Walmart) or I never would have made it in time for midnight to get ShellieMay her Valentines.
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Happy Valentine's Day!,

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear