Disney Park Blog Inside Out Movie and Meet and Greet with Joy and Sadness

I met Joy and Sadness at a super special exclusive Meet and Greet Disney Parks Blog set up after our early sneak peak showing of Disney/Pixar’s new movie Inside Out !
You totally gotta see this movie if you ever want to figure out what’s going on in your human’s head!
.... yet even then, you still might be confused! Humans just aren't very easy creatures to figure out!
We went to Disney Springs AMC Movie Theater for the special Inside Out Preview.
Even though we got there pretty early, there was already a super long line!

Whew! We made it! I ran to the big display for a photo op!

Yup! Popcorn and Coke ICEE!!! and it's FREE!!!
They even gave me a special Inside Out button to wear in celebration of the movie premier!

It wasn't until we go into the theater, that they told us about the special surprise meet and greet with Joy and Sadness.

We got out of the movie around noon. So we had lots of time before my special time with the movie stars!
So..... we while we moseyed around Disney Springs, I did a few other meet and greets!
The special Stuffie Meet and Greets I love to seek out around the parks are also plentiful in Disney Springs.

I got lucky and mommy adopted Anger to come home with us!
OMB! I was so excited!!!!
Bing Bong is also holding special #StuffieMeetandGreets !!!!!

It was time to go over to the Cirque de Soleil building. Joy and Sadness had a special place just for them on the second floor. It was like a 'Super Secret, No One Just Roaming around Disney Springs can Find unless they have a Special Invitation' place.

Thank you Disney Parks Blog for my special movie preview event day of Inside Out!!!!
Huggies to ALL!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear