The Pool Screening Fixer Guy Can Walk on Water?

He can walk on water???
I was super busy updating and moving my website from Wordpress to WiX, but when mommy cried out,…..

…..“Quick, Duffy! the screen repair contractor can walk on water!”
I swooped up my phone, jumped down from my chair, and high tailed it to see!

He’s not really walking on water!
He just put some kind of a big metal ladder/not ladder thingy across the pool.

Actually, it’s pretty cool to see what he was doing.
I really wanted to see if I could walk across the ladder/not ladder thingy and say that I walked on water too!
But I figured it was best not to disturb him.
The tall ladder he put on top of the ladder/not ladder thingy would wiggle and waggle with him high up at the top and it looked pretty dangerous.

He could be jolted if he saw a little stuffed bear walking across his ladder/not ladder thingy.
Me and mommy didn’t want him to fall into the pool, so I decided not to watch at all or offer an extra set of paws like I normally do with all the contractors that come to help us.
Hey, wait….
I think mommy thinks I’ll believe anything. Yet, well, I guess I did because I took off like lightening to check it out when she said that the pool screen repair contractor was walking on water.
Next time I won’t be so easily fooled!
Well.... Probably not! I’m too curious to not check things out even if stuff does seem kinda crazy!
Hey, you never know….
There really is a 🎅🏼 Santa Clause , so maybe one day, I’ll really see a pool screening repair man walk on water!
