Happy Chinese New Year!
Roar! I’m a Tiger!
I’m a Tiger in the Chinese Horoscope!

Roar! I’m a Tiger! It’s my Chinese Horoscope!
I just learned about the Chinese New Year and my Chinese Horoscope.
This year the Chinese are celebrating the year of the Horse. So anyone born in China during this year will be a horse in the Chinese horoscope!
Little Joe is a Rabbit. He’s kinda bummed out because if he was adopted just a few days later, he would have been a totally cool Dragon! I told him to look on the bright side – ……..mommy’s a Rat!
They gots twelve animals all together – you can see which one you are here —-> click here for your Chinese Horoscope <—-

We adopted Ching Chow Ching from Hong Kong Disneyland! (Well… ebay… )
I think it’s kinda neat that we adopted Chinese New Year Duffy the Disney Bear from Hong Kong Disneyland before knowing anything about the Chinese New Year and that he finally decided to let us open his box on the beary first day of the Chinese New Year this year!
He told us that his name is Ching Chow Ching. He’s teaching us about the Chinese New Year and lots of fun stuff we can do to celebrate.
The Chinese New Year is a very beary important holiday in China.
LOL !!! . . . . . . I almost split all my seams when Ching Chow Ching told ShellieMay to get ‘fat’!!!!
— Well …. Not really……..actually, Ching Chow Ching said to ShellieMay “Gung hay fat choy” – it means “May you become prosperous”. But ShellieMay loves being elegant and stylish and when she heard the word ‘fat’ ……..ShellieMay just about freaked!
Ching Chow Ching told us that the Chinese New Year Celebration starts on a new moon. ……….And the celebration doesn’t end for like a whole fifteen days later! This year the Chinese New Year started on January 30th. We’ll always remember this year’s celebration because it’s the day that Hong Kong 2014 Chinese New Year Duffy the Disney Bear became a part of our family!

“Welcome to the family Ching Chow Ching!”
Chinese New Year looks like a super great tradition! They get a whole bunch of days to make their parties!
Ching Chow Ching said that they make parades with Dragons and big fireworks shows! Sounds duffergoodatastic to me!
…. And we all know that special holiday celebrations mean lots and lots of special holiday food and fun!
I think we need to make a very bear loooooonnnnngggg Chinese New Year Dufferbration here too!
Ching Chow Ching made good friends with Little Joe’s Pillow Pet Duffy. He said he’d like his beary own Pillow Pet Duffy – (I hate to tell him that his chances of that are pretty slim and none.)

Ching Chow Ching made good friends with Little Joe’s Pillow Pet Duffy
But me and Little Joe don’t mind sharing our Pillow Pet Duffy Bears.

“This is my Pillow Pet Ching Chow Ching, but we can share.”
Right now on the Hong Kong Disneyland website you can download a cool Happiness Chinese New Year Celebration Mickey Ears Balloon!
I picked a cherry red balloon for good luck! They have seven different colors you can choose from – Red, Gold, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, or Violet. (<— Right Click on the colors to download your balloons! <— You’ll need to click save or download.)

I wanna celebearate Chinese New Year at Hong Kong Disneyland!
Hong Kong Disneyland is celebrating the Chinese New Year from January 23, 2014 until February 16, 2014 this year.
So if you wanna download your Happy Balloon, you better hurry up! I don’t know how long they’ll have this webpage up.
Happy Chinese New Year Furiends!

Duffy Bear A.K.A Duffy the Disney Bear