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Happy Birthday Na Na Na Nana!

Wishing my Cousin Dutchie’s Nana, a very, very beary Happy Birthday!

Nana & Dutchie live in Neverland! Sometimes Nana, that’s Dutchies grandmommy, says that they live in the Netherlands – but that can’t be true! I'm 100% Duffer-certain that she meant Neverland - just like Peter Pan, Wendy and the gang.

Going to visit Nana & Dutchie & Jimmy & Caraid & Sissi & ShellieMay is super fun!

Nana always has the duffer-most bestest treats! I even have my very beary own special treats jar there too!

Duffy the Disney Bear's cousins that live in the Netherlands or as Duffy would like to believe - they live in Neverland!
Nana & the gang are always celebrating something in Neverland!

How do I visit them in Neverland? Well, obviously - I teleport!

I taught Dutchie how to teleport. That means that you can travel without a plane, a train, a car, a boat or anything else! I just wish myself there and POOF! I’m where ever I wish myself that I wanna be!

Dutchie’s papa, that’s his granddaddy, he made it even easier for us to travel back and forth to Neverland. He made a special teleportation tube. Now we can bring all kinds of stuff back and forth along with us!

…..And the bears that haven’t learned to teleport can travel more easily and comfortable in the tube too!


This is Nana’s very beary special day….




Happy Birthday Hugs,

Duffy Bear,

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney BEar

P.S. My desktop background wallpaper from Disney Blog!

My desktop background wallpaper from Disney Blog


Cookie, Duffy's New Friend debuts in Hong Kong Disneyland!

Sorry I Haven’t Been Blogging

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