Happy Birthday Donald Duck
“Oh, Boy! Oh, Boy! Oh, Boy!”
“Happy Birthday Donald Duck!”

Nothing stops Little Joe when he is on a mission!
Yeppers, Donald Duck is 80 years OLD today!
Yet, Donald’s feathers don’t look a day over …..
Well, I don’t know……
…..age is more of a thing with humans than it is with stuffies.
Little Joe was ecstatic!
You see……
Little Joe insisted on coming to Disney with us on our last visit.
Little Joe was a bear on a mission! He just had to get to see Donald Duck and wish him the Happiest of Birthdays.
Especially an 80th birthday!!!
I mean even though we don’t really know what 80 years mean, humans said it was a big deal, so Little Joe said that he had to be duffernutter sure that Donald Duck knew that he was thinking about him on his special day.
I guess if 80 means anything to me – it’s like Donald Duck had 80 birthday cakes! I hope I can get like a bazillion, gillion, dufferdillion birthday cakes! One a year, ……. of course……
I guess yous guys figured out that Donald Duck is Little Joe’s favorite. Opppsssss… just corrected by Little Joe …… I meant to say that Donald Duck is Little Joe’s super dufferduper most favoritest of Mickey’s Friends!
I don’t know why Donald Duck is Little Joe favorite…… – I never asked Little Joe. But when Little Joe got his first annual pass he insisted that Donald Duck would be on his ticket.
(Click your paw on the pics!)
…….And when Little Joe started pin trading – well…. again…. all Little Joe trades for is Donald Duck pins.
Little Joe wanted to show off his new Donald Duck Mickey Ears hat. He waited for over a year for mommy to make it for him.
Little Joe wore one of my old Mickey Ears hats when he went to the parks before mommy made him his Donald Duck Mickey Ears hat. Little Joe put a Donald Duck pin on the front of that hat, but that Mickey Ears hat was really too big on him.
Little Joe really, really, really wants the Donald Duck tee shirt from DisneyStore.com that celebrates Donald’s Birthday. But the Disneystore.com doesn’t have tee shirts in our Duffy the Disney Bear size.

LOL ! I told Little Joe that the shirt would be too big for him. But he wanted to try it on anyway!
Little Joe had me take bunches of pictures to show you his Donald Duck stuff. So don’t get him mad at me and please make sure you click on all the pictures!
Happy Birthday Donald!

Duffy the Disney Bear AND Little Joe Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear and Duffy the Disney Bear