Halloween Candy Dreams or an Iron Man Costume Nightmare!

I love dreaming about Halloween and duffer-E-specially Halloween Candy!
I was in Halloween Candy Dreams heaven when I heard Little Joe shout…
“Wake up Duffy! It’s time to trick or treat!”

“Get up Duffy, you’re gonna miss out on all the Halloween candy and Halloween Trick or Treat fun!”
I sprang up super fast! and shouted….
“Halloween Candy! … and Trick or Treat Fun!”
But in a duffermillemoment I saw that Little Joe was wearing MY Iron Man costume!
“Hey Little Joe! That’s MY Iron Man costume!”
“You know Miss Lillian bought the Iron Man costume for me!”

“Well, ya keeps a snoozing Duffy, ya gonna be a loozing!”
“Wait Little Joe!”
I reached out to catch Little Joe, …. But he was just too fast for me.

Hey… how come you’re not listening to me Little Joe?
I darted forward to tackle Little Joe ……
My paws just went right through him! ………Like he had some invisible powers or something!

Huh? My paws just went right through Little Joe like he was a ghost or something?!!! The Iron Man costume must have given Little Joe dufferhyper supernatural powers!
It was duffernutterly strange!
Not only did my paws go right through Little Joe……
I never saw Little Joe move so fast! One duffersecond he was on the bed next to me……
…… and the very next he was almost out the front door!

Hey… Little Joe’s got my Mickey Mouse Trick or Treat Bag too!
I shouted out again as loud as I could!
“Little Joe! Come back! Please!”

“Little Joe STOP!….. PLEASE!” “What are you doing wearing MY Iron Man costume and going to Trick or Treat without me???!!!”
“Little Joe! Can’t you hear me?
I was starting to feel desperate!

“Stop! Please Stop!”
Next thing I knew – Little Joe and his furry little tail were heading out the door with MY IRON MAN Costume!
“Hey get back here Little Joe! I need my Iron Man costume!”
“Little Joe! Can’t you hear me? Little Joe! Little Joe!!!”

My little stuffed heart was starting to break. I couldn’t believe Little Joe would take my costume and Mickey Mouse Halloween Candy sack and go off Trick or Treating with out me.
Just when I thought I was watching all my Halloween Candy Dreams go right out the door – In MY IRON Man Costume!
I felt a thump and the bed went bump!
Little Joe was right back in from of me shouting, “Good morning Duffy!….
….Wake up!……. It’s Halloween!
It’s time to go Trick or Treating and I got your Iron Man costume all ready for you!”
But this time Little Joe wasn’t wearing MY Iron Man Costume! Little Joe was wearing HIS Super Bear Costume!
I could hardly believe my eyes or my big furry fluffy ears!
Little Joe shook me and said, “If we start early, we’ll get lots & lots more candy!”
Thats when I knew! I duffernutterly knew……..!!!!

Huh? You mean this was all a dream?
Whew! It was only all a Halloween Candy Dream!
Happy Trick or Treating!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear