Duffy's Wonderful Voyage Tokyo Disney Seas
Me and Mickey Mouse are heading back out to the high seas!
It’s time for Duffy’s Wonderful Voyage at Tokyo Disney Seas Resort in Japan!!!
As I was writing a letter to one of the friends I made across the seas when Mickey and I went on our very beary firstest voyage ever. Mickey saw me writing my letter and had an idea. Mickey said, “Duffy, how would you like to go on a new special adventure together? Just you and me pal?”
Zooooooooowallies! How could I resist! I was duffernuttertastic over the moon with joy!
It’s been a very beary long time since Mickey and I have journeyed off together on a special adventure.

Mickey and I did a little day dreaming about all the wonderful places we could journey to for some exciting adventures. There were just so many new places to explore we couldn’t decide.

I saw a lightbulb flash over Mickey's head.....
Mickey took me to our special adventure room with the magical globe of the earth. Mickey said we could spin the globe and after it stopped spinning, I would close my eyes and point to a spot to find our next destination.

Mickey and I have our duffle bags all packed and ready for our Wonderful Voyage!

Mickey took my paw as we walked towards the boat dock.

Oh..... where are we going?........
hehehehe.... I can't tell....
Well... not yet anyway!

Duffy Bear
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear
ShellieMay, Little Joe and I are so lucky to have a twitter friend that lives in Japan. Her twitter name is @riridsds. She the super bestest!
Riri shares photos of Duffy the Disney Bear and Friends and other fun things from Tokyo Seas Resort and Japan with me and lots of my friends on Twitter.