Best Buy Says I’m Not a Bear!
Yes I am!
….Yes I am totally 100%, nothing but BEAR!

and this is my iPad… where…..... as you can see…..
I, Duffy the Disney BEAR, am reading my Best Buy email.
A huh… that’s right BEAR!
B..... E..... A..... R..... !
and that spells
Can you believe opening up your email and it says….
“Bears hibernate in the winter. You’re not a bear.”
We shop at Best Buy all the time! Like ALL the time!
I’m sitting here right now blogging on my laptop my Auntie bought me from….
—–Best Buy—–
… front of my tv also purchased by my Auntie for my granddaddy at
—–Best Buy—–
watching Despicable Me 2 DVD I begged my mommy to buy me at
—–Best Buy—–
when we were shopping for a replacement external hard drive at
—–Best Buy—–
to store all my pictures I took with my camera I bought at
—–Best Buy—–
…. and I’m holding –> MY <– iPad my mommy bought be from…
—–Best Buy—–
for my Adoption Bearthday Cele-bear-ation last year!
Get the idea….. Best Buy? Cause I can go on!!! and on and on!!!
So please….. just don’t send me anymore emails claiming that I’m NOT A BEAR!
……Oh…… or to any of my friends that also shop at Best Buy and tell them that they are not BEARs either!
I guess I’m not really mad at you Best Buy. We like shopping there because we get extra special rewards to buy more stuff! and…
…………..the humans at Best Buy are always very beary nice and helpful.
So – just so all yous Best Buy humans know for the future….
Bears don’t always hibernate in the winter and we do shop at Best Buy!
Thank you beary much!
Huggies to ALL!

Duffy BEAR – Proud Best Buy #ElitePlus Member
A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear