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Banana Cream Carmel Drizzle Pie!

Bananas Are Yummy!… ....but a Banana Cream Caramel Drizzle Pie….

Well…it’s Super Yummers! 

Duffy the Disney Bear Baking a Caramel Drizzle Pie on Christmas morning.
I’m going to help make a pie for Christmas dinner dessert!

Mommy and I had a long #Christmas day. We got really super up early in morning to make the last pie while everyone was still sleeping.

We made a Banana Cream Pie with Caramel Drizzle. Mommy let me help a lot! Mommy likes this recipe because it’s really easy. Mommy and I don’t really like fancy recipes very beary much. We just want it to taste good. We got our recipe from KRAFT’s web-site. They got good Jell-O tasty treats to make!

Mommy put the banana in the fridge because she wanted the banana to be cold to make the pie taste better. That’s why the banana skin looks really yucky and black.

Duffy the Disney Bear Baking A Carmel Drizzle Pie for Christmas Dessert
Here are all the ingredients for our Caramel Drizzle Pie

Mommy didn’t let me cut the banana. But I put the pieces on the pie crust. 

Duffy the Disney Bear put the bananas in the Keebler Pie Crust all by himself
I put the bananas in the Keebler’s graham cracker pie crust!

Look how good I did!

Duffy the Disney Bear shows off with a closer look of the banana arrangement in the pie crust.
These bananas smell really good!

.....and the next step is......

Duffy the Disney Bear bakes a Caramel Drizzle Pie.
I was too excited and distracted to read the directions out loud for mommy. So I held up the recipe so mommy could read what to do next.

Here’s our pie! Mommy put the gingerbread man and other stuff on it to make it look good and holiday like. She used a funny word. She said she put the other stuff on to make it look festive’.

I guess ‘festive’ means something good, because I thought the extra stuff mommy put on my Banana Cream Caramel Drizzle made it look good!

Duffy the Disney Bear shows off the cherry on top of his Caramel Drizzle Pie
I put the Cherry on the top so I could add something 'festive' to our pie.

She used the chocolate to put some chocolate snow sprinkles on the pie. She didn’t think it looked finished without a little something extra. I just wanted to eat it.

Duffy the Disney Bear & the Caramel Drizzle Christmas Pie.
Mommy sure likes to take a lot of pictures! Too bad she's not very good with the camera and the pictures come out fuzzy! I'm supposed to be fuzzy, not the pictures!

She let me lick the spoon! It was really good! 

Duffy the Disney Bear licks pudding mixture fill off the spoon
Yummmm! I got to lick the spoon!

Ok, so it’s not really a spoon, but I forget what it’s really called. I just had fun licking all the tasty tummy yummy pudding!

Mommy wasn’t happy that the picture turned out fuzzy. She didn’t have a chance to retake the picture because I already finished licking the spoon thing.

Baking was fun, well – ……. actually, ………. yes the #baking part was fun – but it’s the eating part that is the super fun part & what I like doing the best!

Oh… P.S.  The recipe said 10 servings. But…. well…. It’s more like 1/2 for me and the rest for anyone else that is quick enough to get a piece. It’s not like I don’t wanna share or anything. I just got this really huge bear-like hunger! All my wild bear instincts come out when I’m around food.

Good thing we had some other desserts. But next time, I’m gonna make two banana caramel drizzle pies. It’s ’cause I’m a growing bear, and I bet next #Christmas I’ll be able to eat a whole pie by myself!

Do any of yous guys like to bake? What’s your favorite desserts to make or to eat?


small Duffy face for salutation

Duffy Bear,

A.K.A. Duffy the Disney Bear


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