How to Cook a Thanksgiving Day Turkey 2018
Duffy Bear knows the very beary best way to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey!

Happy Birthday Na Na Na Nana!
Duffy Bear wishes his Netherlands best bear friend Dutchie's nana a very beary happy birthday!

Land of the FREE!
I’m here! (Gotta stop and take my selfie…..) Happy Independence Day! …..and like our great Star Spangled Banner says…. …this really is...

A Little Happy Valentine’s Day Story
A….. excuse me Duffy, said ShellieMay as she peeked over my laptop and asked, “Do you know what today is Duffy?” ……. I was like.....

Our Duffy the Disney Bear Family wishes you a Duffertastic July 4th Holiday!
Waving the Red, White & Blue as we wish everybear a duffertastic July 4th Holiday!

Yay! Candy!!!
Thank you mommy for some special pre-Halloween Candy to hold us over to tomorrow!

Happy Independence Day!
Hello Furiends! Happy 4th of July to ev’bearyone! Even though my ethic background is Italweeian,………. I’m super proud to be an...

Our Favorite Healthy Treat!
Thank You Auntie Sandra!……….for sending us our ………..favorite healthy treat! ……………. Edible Arrangements Fruit Basket with...

Whoa! Who’s a Lucky Bear!
I hit the Jackpot! The Halloween Candy Jackpot!!! .... and it's not even Halloween!