Happy Birthday Uncle Ken!
ShellieMay wanted to help celebrate Uncle Ken's birthday. But sang the Happy Birthday song super wrong. So I very kindly corrected her!
Duffy the Disney Bear and his New Best Friend and Little Brother
This is my new best friend. I call him Little Joe. Little Joe is a Duffy the Disney Bear just like me. Me & Little Joe eating our first...
MotionDiary App for iPhone Review
Duffy Bear here and I just tested the MotionDiary app for my iPhone 4. It's super fun to make a video diary of my day in pictures!
The 11th day of Christmas...
Today is the 11th day of Christmas and I got…….. I got a puppy doggie!!!! My puppy doggy is so cute, the only thing I could name him was Pu
12 Days of Christmas Presents!
Christmas Presents!!! Whoooo Hoooo for 12 Days!!! Christmas is about a lot of things….. .....and one really neat things about Christmas...
Super Bestest Christmas Present Ever!
Whoooppppeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! I got the most Awesome-A-Tasmic Super Bestest Christmas Present Ever! My Aunties gave me an iPhone 4S !!...
My First Chiropractic KerrrrrrrrrUNCH!
Duffy Bear visits ‘The Joint’ for his chiropractic adjustment to help him feel better after falling off the sewing table.
I'm a Little Italian Duffy Bear!
I’m Italian! and I love wearing my Italian Mickey Mouse Ears Hat! Mommy made it special for me. I liked my first #MickeyEarsHat too, but...
My Alligator Encounter!!!
Duffy Bear eager to meet new friends puts his paw into an alligator's mouth to feel his sharp teeth!