ShellieMay the Disney Bear Book Arrives at Disney World!
Look what I spotted at Disney! ..... Are you ready for it?.........

A Build-A-Bear Birthday Surprise for ShellieMay
“It worked Little Joe!!!” Me and Little Joe ordered something special for ShellieMay’s birthday from Build-A-Bear Workshop. The only...

It’s a Gelatoni Badge from Tokyo Disney Sea!
Duffy received a Gelatoni badge from Tokyo Disney Sea

ShellieMay Celebrates National Pink Day!!!
…. and here is our lovely ShellieMay showing off her perfectly pretty pink Build-A-Bear Workshop outfit for..... #NationalPinkDay! Here’s...

Disney’s Small World 50th Celebration!
Duffy shows off his Small World 50th Anniversary Pin and then Duffy, ShellieMay and Little Joe sing their own lyrics to the Small World Song

Woman’s Olympic Figure Skating Dreams
ShellieMay watches Adelina Sotnikova and dreams about entering Woman's Figure Skating in the next Olympics

Whoooo Hoooooo! Valentine’s Day is Cancelled!
Valentine’s Day’s been cancelled for today! Yeah! “I wonder if Duffy is going to do anything about Valentine’s Day!” Well………… At least...