Happy Chinese New Year!
Roar!  I’m a Tiger! I’m a Tiger in the Chinese Horoscope! Roar! I’m a Tiger! It’s my Chinese Horoscope! I just learned about the Chinese...

Tuesday’s Pizza Day!
I’m not just eating pepperoni pizza today, I’m eating my pepperoni pizza at Pinocchio’s Village Haus in Grandpa Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom!

Triple Chocolate Cupcake!!!
Duffy Bear raves about the Triple Chocolate Cupcake the Be Our Guest Restaurant in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom

I ‘Brave-ly’ Took my Bath Before Going to Disney!
I know being Brave will have it’s rewards! You see, tonight I didn’t hide under the bed, in the drawers, or …. well, I better not tell...

Vinylmation Coming out Summer 2012!!!
Oh boy! I’m going to be a Vinylmation figure! Summer 2012….!!! That’s all I know right now as far as the timing of my inaugural...

I'm a Little Italian Duffy Bear!
I’m Italian! and I love wearing my Italian Mickey Mouse Ears Hat! Mommy made it special for me. I liked my first #MickeyEarsHat too, but...

My Alligator Encounter!!!
Duffy Bear eager to meet new friends puts his paw into an alligator's mouth to feel his sharp teeth!