Olympic Gold Medal Celebration!
I won three Olympic Gold Medals in the 2012 Duffy Bear Only Fantasy Olympic Games.

I ‘Brave-ly’ Took my Bath Before Going to Disney!
I know being Brave will have it’s rewards! You see, tonight I didn’t hide under the bed, in the drawers, or …. well, I better not tell...

Broccoli – Who Knew?
Oh Boy! The Chinese Buffet! I like it when my Aunties come to visit because we always go out to eat. Today we went to Yong Wang’s Chinese...

Edible Arrangements
Edible Arrangements is one of my super favorite surprises! I got a gigantically king-sized, bigger than a 17” Duffy sized Edible Arrangement

Super Moon
I did it! I took a ride on the Perigee “Super Moon“. I heard that the Super Moon was coming on the tv news. So I looked it up and found...

I LOVE Lasagna!
Lasagna makes me Italiano Happy!!!
Yeppers Peppers, I LOVE Lasagna!
Mommy made her tummy yummy LASAGNA just for me!

Duffy's Wizard Promise to Mr. J.
Duffy made a promise to his friend, and Duffy always keeps his promises!

Publix Grand Opening fun on St. Patrick’s Day!
Wishing you all a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from the Grand Opening of the new Publix here in Viera, Florida!