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This Blog is ALL About Me!

Cute headshot of Duffy the Disney Bear
Duffy the Disney Bear in his Sailor Cap

Duffy the
Disney Bear!

Duffyland Notice - place for all things Duffy the Disney Bear & Friends
I just Hugged Duffy the Disney Bear Sticker

I’m NOT Just any Bear……….


... ... ... ... I AM Duffy the Disney Bear!


A.K.A. Duffy Bear!

The one and only adventurous, globetrotting traveling Duffy Bear!

Oh, yeppers peppers - I bet you heard about that other Duffy the Disney Bear. You know, the Big tall one that does, or did the meet and greets in here in Walt Disney World and Disneyland CA. He's super awesome pawesome-A-tasmic. I used to visit Big Duffy with my family every time I went to EPCOT so we could get our very beary special, one-of-a-kind, excellent-A-ma-tasmic Duffy the Disney Bear hugs.


But..... this website is about ME!


Yep - the one and only ME!


After I adopted my Super Awesome-A-Tasmic family, a whole new world opened up for me.


So this is my BLOG (a Bear’s Life is Outrageously Great) you've come to visit today AND it’s about me, all things Duffy the Disney Bear and Friends and what is happening in my life since my adoption.


I love blogging. It's super fun to share my fun and joy with you and the world!


I love collecting stuff too - stuff like Cast Member Pictures, Meet and Greet Photos with Disney Characters, my Disney Pin Collection and other stuffs collections too!


Now here's the glitch - There was a little, well….. maybe a little bit bigger than little, malfunction in my Adoption Activation Device (AAD). But no worries, I just came out a bit more WYSIWYG* (and ….. well you’ll find out….) than other bears!


Bearlishoulsy Yours,​



Duffy Bear

A.k.A Duffy the Disney Bear


     *WYSIWYG: Beary simply it means: —-> What You See Is What You Get!

Duffy Bear's salutation image

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